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Educate Toward Recovery

Educate Toward Recovery



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While there may be hundreds of books available on autism and autism therapy, they tend to be either highly technical manuals, requiring you to learn the language of professionals, or gut wrenching personal accounts detailing the emotions and not the procedures.

We wanted a book for parents, not professionals, one that was extremely practical that was packed with the essential details we need to begin to work. We also sought a book based on the latest research, and that utilized the most effective teaching methods possible, so that by implementing the program we would see fast results and address core deficiencies, rather than peripheral skills. Educate Toward Recovery, Turning the Tables on Autism is that book.

Written by Robert Schramm, MA, BCBA, Educate Toward Recovery is a book we consider to be a must-read for every parent of an autistic child. Not only does the book clearly explain what the Verbal Behavior approach to ABA (VBA) is, but you'll also be able to see why it works so well.

Even if you are already using a VBA type program, and have slogged through the technical materials to get there, this book will be helpful as a resource for babysitters, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, or other people who are eager to assist you and your child, but really don't understand how this all works

As you proceed through the 21 chapters in the book, you'll find many aspects of VBA highlighted, each illustrated with helpful examples including many stories of the children the author has worked with over the years. By the time you get to chapter 15, you'll be ready to understand how all the pieces fit together, as illustrated by one very important lesson - toilet training. If your child is not yet toilet trained, than this chapter will be extremely practical for you!

If a controlling child governs your family, a child who freaks out, has tantrums, or otherwise manipulates, you will especially appreciate the attention this crucial concern is given. We have not seen this topic addressed elsewhere, but the common- sense method he outlines to re-establish your own control as a parent is one that is much needed today. You can purchase Educate Toward Recovery from